Friends, family members, and foes, good time to stop and smell the air. Time form goodness and mercy, angels back to back on land and seas: lessons learned on the paths to greatness, tricks and trades.
Strangers to friends, friends to family, family to foes, family affairs,gates and doors, winners, losers, sinners and saints, dances in the darkness.City officials say a row of tamarisk trees between a black neighborhood and a city golf course will be removed.
Peter Pan, Micky Moses, Micks And Dicks, Heads to count. Honey Makers, bees and wasps, dances in the darkness, dances in the air. Good time frogs, men and mice, cartoons across the decades.Just because one person's problem is less traumatic than another's does not mean they are required to hurt less.
Lots of fun,Repair, restore, replace the deeds and actions, you may have done, trades to be done. Orange County, Inland Empire, Palm of hands, dreams and nightmares, twists and turns, what does it mean. Life, love, lessons, test over time, money, marches to madness, in your skin, you are alone.
California,Pages to turn, history to note, games with dogs, games with snakes, life and love, horns of a goat, love and hate, to change, by the minute.Wild About You, Baby.lots of love, lots of charms, lots of laughs, good time, dimes to drop, cards to play. Lovers, haters, shit and dung, faces in the herds, donkeys in the hills, freaks in the nights, coins to flip.
People change, memories don't.In and out of tomorrow big waves dreams in works lucky home.Tall Tales:Tips,Tweets,Tones.Cartoon show!!Be serene in knowing you are succeeding in your goal. The card in the Advice position suggests a course of action which will harmonize what you want with what is currently possible.Forever and a day, in the moment, with the start at now in the present. Not a dream real life.
Birds and bees, songs in the winds, glory dazes done, life at the end of the road, wheels to turn.The Hole in the round is dug in already well-trod territory: EW review,Reasons Why,🎋💝 Unique Thinkers.
People change, memories don't.In and out of tomorrow big waves dreams in works lucky home.Tall Tales:Tips,Tweets,Tones.Cartoon show!!ATG Radio Network. Waves to words, history to create, coins, cons, clowns, cattle calls, changes to make, blue oceans, plenty of fish, lots of frogs in the air.
Seeing another's viewpoint as wrong, doesn't make one's viewpoint right. Often times it simply means one's own viewpoint is more right. However to he right, is to understand things perfectly. The problem is; we are not perfect. A thought: Perhaps a human can only know right within human created frameworks. Frameworks which are often outdated. In this sense, it is only through insisting that we are wrong that we can that we can become more right and begin to reimagine more accurate frameworks to exist and be right in.
Lessons, Blessings, Tests Over Time. Men And Mice, Coins To Flip. Dances.Leonardo 🤑 🤧 💸😈💂✨🔥 Glory Dazes To Come: Earth Angels To Some:Hopes,Wishes, Dreams In Motions: Blue Oceans To Create..Shit happens. Everyday. To everyone. The difference is in how people deal with it.
Not yet, stats to share, age, how tall, location, 420 connected would be nice, tell me something good. Back In Time, Blasts To Moons, Walks On Water.Rats Racing,Tricks And Trades, Lights Of Red Moons Dances,Daily Joys And Pains,Live And Learn, Lessons On Beaches: Classes 2. Frogs.❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🌎♻️ Share with the world 💙🐕💙
🐕💙Back In Time, Blasts To Moons, d 💙🐕💙Walks On Water.Rats Time to get on the #GOODFOOT Racing,Tricks And Trades, Lights Of Red Moons Dances,Daily Joys And Pains,Live And Learn, Lessons On Beaches: Classes 2. Frogs. Hello 56 Male, yes to all. 😁You. I can hear you now 😄At this moment in time. Stats:age,
What happen, not the right age, so sorry about that, things you can not change, not interested in that age. Not sure what is up with that, standards set, to keep for falling, for excuses, assholes, clowns to the right, jokers to the left, stuck in the middle, birds with wings. Man to say: how tall, location, wits, charms, graces, boy next door, baby boomer, nice, tall,funny guy. Jack of many trades, giant on land, bird in the sky, wings to fly, oh what a knight, dreams and nightmares, boys to men, lots of frogs everywhere.
Back In Time, Blasts To Moons, Walks On Water.Rats Racing,Tricks And Trades, Lights Of Red Moons Dances,Daily Joys And Pains,Live And Learn, Lessons On Beaches: Classes 2. Frogs.❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🌎♻️ Share with the world 💙🐕💙
🐕💙Back In Time, Blasts To Moons, d 💙🐕💙Walks On Water.Rats Time to get on the #GOODFOOT Racing,Tricks And Trades, Lights Of Red Moons Dances,Daily Joys And Pains,Live And Learn, Lessons On Beaches: Classes 2. Frogs
TIME TO TURN THE PAGE:Once Bitten By Snakes, Dances with Wolves.����Men And Mice, Coins To Flip. Dances.Leonardo 🤑 🤧 💸😈Back In Time, Blasts To Moons, d 💙🐕💙Walks On Water.Rats Time to get on the #GOODFOOT Racing,Tricks And Trades, Lights Of Red Moons Dances,Daily Joys And Pains,Live And Learn, Lessons On Beaches: Classes 2. Frogs.
Drake's Eye Candy (#danceYourAssOff)❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🌎♻️ Share with the world 💙🐕💙🐕💙Back In Time, Blasts To Moons, d 💙🐕💙Walks On Water.Rats Time to get on the #GOODFOOT Racing,Tricks And Trades, Lights Of Red Moons Dances,Daily Joys And Pains,Live And Learn, Lessons On Beaches: Classes 2. Frogs
Back In Time, Blasts To Moons, Walks On Water.Rats Racing,Tricks And Trades, Lights Of Red Moons Dances,Daily Joys And Pains,Live And Learn, Lessons On Beaches: Classes 2. Frogs. Horse and Pony Shows, Clowns have left, poker playerd to the right. Not a Free Ride. Rides along the way, are just a detour of the things that you would like to do but do not want to take the time to consider, because you are not in control of the pace. It is a matter of letting the cows out.Back In Time, Blasts To Moons, d 💙🐕💙Walks On Water.Rats Time to get on the #GOODFOOT Racing,Tricks And Trades, Lights Of Red Moons Dances,Daily Joys And Pains,Live And Learn, Lessons On Beaches: Classes 2. Frogs
So that the cows can come home, only if they are unable to find a new field of grass, and learn how to talk your way into the things that you cannot afford. It is not just a state of mind it is a way of life for so many. It is not a time to talk about what you know it is about what you would like to know.Lionel Richie greatest hits ( full album ) best songs of Lionel Richie
Back In Time, Blasts To Moons, Walks On Water.Rats Racing,Tricks And Trades, Lights Of Red Moons Dances,Daily Joys And Pains,Live And Learn, Lessons On Beaches: Classes 2. Frogs. Lionel Richie greatest hits ( full album ) best songs of Lionel Richie. Hopes,Wishes, Dreams In Motions: Family Affairs, Lovers,Daily Birthdays.❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🌎♻️ Share with the world 💙🐕💙🐕💙:
💂✨🔥 Glory Dazes To Come: Earth Angels To Some: I Have a Dream. Escape The Night, The Ordinary Views, Cheers And Chaps, Weird: Wonderful, Exciting, Interesting, Real, and Different: Yes For Sure, Dances On Cloud Nine, Earth Angels, Horns, Hats, Halos, Coins To Pay. Joys And Pains, Bumps In The Road. Good Times.
Back In Time, Blasts To Moons, d 💙🐕💙Walks On Water.Rats Time to get on the #GOODFOOT Racing,Tricks And Trades, Lights Of Red Moons Dances,Daily Joys And Pains,Live And Learn, Lessons On Beaches: Classes 2. Frogs
Back In Time, Blasts To Moons, Walks On Water.Rats Racing,Tricks And Trades, Lights Of Red Moons Dances,Daily Joys And Pains,Live And Learn, Lessons On Beaches: Classes 2. Frogs. Lionel Richie greatest hits ( full album ) best songs of Lionel Richie.❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🌎♻️ Share with the world 💙🐕💙🐕💙Back In Time, Blasts To Moons, d 💙🐕💙Walks On Water.Rats Time to get on the #GOODFOOT Racing,Tricks And Trades, Lights Of Red Moons Dances,Daily Joys And Pains,Live And Learn, Lessons On Beaches: Classes 2. Frogs

Hopes,Wishes, Dreams In Motions: Family Affairs, Lovers,Daily Birthdays.:
Coins To Flip, Starr Bright Tonight, Walks 2 Fame. You Have Strong Empathy: ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🌎♻️ Share with the world 💙🐕💙🐕💙Those who have strong empathy for others are likely to have lived multiple past lives. This is a life skill crafter only by those with a lot of experience in the field. Back In Time, Blasts To Moons, d 💙🐕💙Walks On Water.Rats Time to get on the #GOODFOOT Racing,Tricks And Trades, Lights Of Red Moons Dances,Daily Joys And Pains,Live And Learn, Lessons On Beaches: Classes 2. Frogs
So it only makes sense that if you are high.❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🌎♻️ Share with the world 💙🐕💙🐕💙.Back In Time, Blasts To Moons, d 💙🐕💙Walks On Water.Rats Time to get on the #GOODFOOT Racing,Tricks And Trades, Lights Of Red Moons Dances,Daily Joys And Pains,Live And Learn, Lessons On Beaches: Classes 2. Frogs
Bumps In The Roads, Paths Taken To Greatness,❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🌎♻️ Share with the world 💙🐕💙🐕💙 Hard Knocks Schools On The West Coast.Nothing to stop the wheels from going around, or the clocks to stop, rocks to roll, diamonds on the side of the road.❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🌎♻️ Just A reminder, Back In Time, Blasts To Moons, d 💙🐕💙Walks On Water.Rats Time to get on the #GOODFOOT Racing,Tricks And Trades, Lights Of Red Moons Dances,Daily Joys And Pains,Live And Learn, Lessons On Beaches: Classes 2. FrogsWhat day it is #DanceYourAssOffWednesday ? Time to get on the #GOODFOOT Please remember to like ,and share
Share with the world 💙🐕💙🐕💙 Out of sight, out of mind, out of the dirt, out of the mud, walking on sunshine again, love, luck, lights, lessons, leaders, lights to shine, candles in the wind. Drake Abbychicka...d 💙🐕💙It's that time to #DanceYourAssOffwednesday ❤️ share with the world #now dance ... 💙🐕💙
Those of you that have turned your back better pay attention!! Tornadoes this summer, hurricane headed up the east coast and a 5.9 earthquake in Virginia felt all the way to NYC and Boston along with one in Colorado yesterday! Texas with record flooding! And people are fighting to take God out of everything, seems to me God is sending an awfully loud message!!!!!! If you agree copy & re-post ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🌎♻️ Back In Time, Blasts To Moons, d 💙🐕💙Walks On Water.Rats Time to get on the #GOODFOOT Racing,Tricks And Trades, Lights Of Red Moons Dances,Daily Joys And Pains,Live And Learn, Lessons On Beaches: Classes 2. Frogs
Share with the world 💙🐕💙🐕💙PUT GOD BACK WHERE HE BELONGS! just copied this from a friend and re-posting, but this is so. True! You better be getting on your knees my friends!!David Manz - d 💙🐕💙Scary pirouette. #danceyourassoffwednesday..Hopes,Wishes, Dreams In Motions: Family Affairs, Lovers,Daily Birthdays.:d 💙🐕💙Back In Time, Blasts To Moons, d 💙🐕💙Walks On Water.Rats Time to get on the #GOODFOOT Racing,Tricks And Trades, Lights Of Red Moons Dances,Daily Joys And Pains,Live And Learn, Lessons On Beaches: Classes 2. Frogs
Bumps In The Roads, Paths Taken To Greatness,❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🌎♻️ Share with the world 💙🐕💙🐕💙 Hard Knocks Schools On The West Coast.Nothing to stop the wheels from going around, or the clocks to stop, rocks to roll, diamonds on the side of the road.❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🌎♻️ Share with the world 💙🐕💙🐕💙 Out of sight, out of mind, out of the dirt, out of the mud, walking on sunshine again, love, luck, lights, lessons, leaders, lights to shine, candles in the wind. Drake Abbychicka...d 💙🐕💙It's that time to #DanceYourAssOffwednesday ❤️ share with the world #now dance ...d 💙🐕💙
Stars born, every day, lights to go out, at the end of the dazes on earth. Circles of people, circles of angels on earth, circles of earth angels, kids and goats. Nuts to fall, nuts to grow, nuts to start the trees in the woods.Shooting Curses, Schools Of Hard Knocks, Turning Pages, Books To Rites, Hard Knock.❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🌎♻️ Share with the world 💙🐕💙🐕💙
Drake Abbychicka....❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🌎♻️ Share with the world 💙🐕💙🐕💙Back In Time, Blasts To Moons, d 💙🐕💙Walks On Water.Rats Time to get on the #GOODFOOT Racing,Tricks And Trades, Lights Of Red Moons Dances,Daily Joys And Pains,Live And Learn, Lessons On Beaches: Classes 2. Frogs.... Drake's Eye Candy (#danceYourAssOff)Christmas In July, The Times To Check, Now, Later Lovers, Haters, Hats And Halos, Hellos And Goodbyes, Coins To Flip, Ships 2 Pass.Westlife -Lessons, Blessings, Tests Over Time. Men And Mice, Coins To Flip. Dances.Leonardo 🤑 🤧 💸😈💂✨🔥 Glory Dazes To Come: Earth Angels To Some:Hopes,Wishes, Dreams In Motions: Blue Oceans To Create..Shit happens. Everyday. To everyone. The difference is in how people deal with it.TIME TO TURN THE PAGE:Once Bitten By Snakes, Dances with Wolves.����Men And Mice, Coins To Flip.
Dances.Leonardo 🤑 🤧 💸😈💂✨🔥 Glory Dazes To Come: Earth Angels To Some: Hard Knocks, Movie Rights, good times, lost in time and space, songs to sing.Angels In The Air, Ghosts, Spooks, Birds In Winds, Songs In Dogwood Trees, I Have a Dream.
Witches, Fairies, And Pixies, Dogface Butterflies..Good time, dances on the sands of time, love, luck, lessons, daily pages in a book to turn. Tales of Joys and Pains, Love and hate, horns of a goat, tips and tales to share. Luck, Love, Lessons: Tests. Pumpkins✨Fairies,Hand and hearts to guide.Rotten Tomatoes: Princesses, pumpkins. Crook Hosts: Lessons, Blessings, Tests Over Time. Men And Mice, Coins To Flip. Dances.Leonardo 🤑 🤧 💸😈💂✨🔥 Glory Dazes To Come: Earth Angels To Some:Hopes,Wishes, Dreams In Motions: Blue Oceans To Create..Shit happens. Everyday. To everyone. The difference is in how people deal with it.TIME TO TURN THE PAGE:Once Bitten By Snakes, Dances with Wolves.����Men And Mice, Coins To Flip. Dances.Leonardo
🤑 🤧 💸😈💂✨🔥 Glory Dazes To Come: Earth Angels To Some:..Rolling Away and Out: Snakes Live In The Grass. Dancing Dazes.In And Out Of Tomorrow:Big Waves:Dreams In Works.Letting Time Stop, Happiness To Glow. Pages To Books.Cowboys And Indians, Games To Play, Dances In Darkness, Waves From The Boats, Ships Of Fools To Pass.Recaps, Recalls, Reviews, Reflections, Rites 2. Lessons Learned:Rats To Races: Games Played.Horse And Pony Shows". Treats.
Views Online, History To Note: Names And Faces: Retards, Snakes Dawgs 2. Want to create a fundraiser for Safe Kids Worldwide?You listed Safe Kids Worldwide as a workplace on your profile, so we wanted to let you know that you can create a fundraiser for them on Facebook. We'll help you get started!No problem 😁😁😁😁
Nailed to the cross, lions to nail, dinner in the woods. Detours Ends.Deeds and action of the sinners and the saints, to hurt or to harm, lessons to learn, once a snake always a snake.
Graves to you and graves to me, good times stories of better dazes to share often. Divorce Invitation: It was hard picking what...Happy birthday 🎉🎂🎁I did not know that "prison reform" was something I could talk about with Kim Kardashian.I liked him a lot and he seemed to like me too. Blue Stars To Shoot: Daily Stars
😮🌊🌊🌈EVERYONE IS STRUGGLING WITH SOMETHING, SOME PEOPLE ARE JUST BETTER AT HIDING IT. White Witch Out Of Fucks To Give:No Free Fucks.Rotten Tomatoes: Rotten To The Core, NY Retards.
Friends, family members, and foes, good time to stop and smell the air. Time form goodness and mercy, angels back to back on land and seas: lessons learned on the paths to greatness, tricks and trades.
Keep Fighting.DC.PS: You’re Going to Love This Book!It will guide you to the promised land of working in virtual markets where the REAL DEALS are easier to find and the buyers and plentiful!I'm not looking for an endless conversation sorry .Me either, just the facts that matter to me. Not yet, stats to share, age, how tall, location, 420 connected would be nice, tell me something good. Back In Time, Blasts To Moons, Walks On Water.Rats Racing,Tricks And Trades, Lights Of Red Moons Dances,Daily Joys And Pains,Live And Learn, Lessons On Beaches: Classes 2. Frogs.❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🌎♻️ Share with the world 💙🐕💙
Holiday Cheers, New Year Around The Bend.Travelers Walks:Black Girls Spice Girls : Sole Sisters:The Joys and Pains of Single Black Women: I am a Sorcerer .Dreams to have, dreams to work.
Things to grow and expand, crazy for a fee, more money on table to take. Mistakes in the military, updates to write for more cash. Cash for me, cash for my kids, cash for school, and cash for a new life, quests today. Work everyday to write fairy tales, my life today, gifts in words used, to share.Christmas In July, The Times To Check, Now, Later Lovers, Haters, Hats And Halos, Hellos And Goodbyes, Coins To Flip, Ships 2 Pass.Westlife - Hard Knocks, Movie Rights, good times, lost in time and space, songs to sing.Angels In The Air, Ghosts, Spooks, Birds In Winds, Songs In Dogwood Trees.
Lessons, Blessings, Tests Over Time. Men And Mice, Coins To Flip. Dances.Leonardo 🤑 🤧 💸😈💂✨🔥 Glory Dazes To Come: Earth Angels To Some:Hopes,Wishes, Dreams In Motions: Blue Oceans To Create..Shit happens. Everyday. To everyone. The difference is in how people deal with it.TIME TO TURN THE PAGE:Once Bitten By Snakes, Dances with Wolves.����
Men And Mice, Coins To Flip. Dances.Leonardo 🤑 🤧 💸😈💂✨🔥 Glory Dazes To Come: Earth Angels To Some: I Have a Dream. Escape The Night, The Ordinary Views, Cheers And Chaps, Weird: Wonderful, Exciting, Interesting, Real, and Different: Yes For Sure, Dances On Cloud Nine, Earth Angels, Horns, Hats, Halos, Coins To Pay. Joys And Pains, Bumps In The Road. Good Times.
Battles and wars, Ben Battles, Aleane Horns to blow, angels in host, angels to talk, angles of the dead. Lovers, and haters, nuts and franks, dicks with dogs, dicks with kids, dicks to stupid, to have cash to last, to live, dumb, dense, and stupid for life. Not able to fix, cure, or trade, stupid for life.Frameworks which are often outdated. In this sense, it is only through insisting that we are wrong that we can that we can become more right and begin to reimagine more accurate frameworks to exist and be right in.

Dick Jarrot, dawgs and dates, faces of frogs, faces of snakes and worms, that live in the dirt. Hill of billy goats, valleys of donkeys in packs, monkeys and freaks on the beach. Lessons to learn, daily events, frogs, toads, and dicks in the end of the day.Hating is easy. Love takes work.Love isn't something you can turn on and off, unless you're faking it.Frameworks which are often outdated. In this sense, it is only through insisting that we are wrong that we can that we can become more right and begin to reimagine more accurate frameworks to exist and be right in.

Love the acorns, date a whale on land, good times to party and play life to death, life partner searches for prey to pay for the last rites, for RV campers, good views of the oceans parked at the beach.The Persuaders - Thin Line between Love & Hate.Thanks so much, another great day on the right side of the grave, happy and delight, cheers, and chaps. I'm educated and seek the same. I smile most of the day and am seeking the same.

Rachel, Randy, Rocky, Butches, bitches, fake friends, fake hair, fake life of a rock star, white, whales, at UCLA? Party and play pals, with daddy, Steven Jarrot, 7603601613, more freaks out at night?The Persuaders - Thin Line between Love & Hate.Thanks so much, another great day on the right side of the grave, happy and delight, cheers, and chaps. I'm educated and seek the same. I smile most of the day and am seeking the same.Frameworks which are often outdated. In this sense, it is only through insisting that we are wrong that we can that we can become more right and begin to reimagine more accurate frameworks to exist and be right in.
Tips now ▼ 2014 (8)► November (2)► October (2)▼ September (2)Lyon Sacks: Jewish Style..Lyon Sacks: Fire and Ice: Hell Rings► August (2)Holding Out For A Hero: Pink Floyd - The Wall: The Shadows, In The Dark, Reapers Of Good And Evil. Kristi Jarrot : Fairy Tales:Snakes and Vipers, Prince Frogs Tips -Another one bites the dust, ways to go, back to square one, angels in the sky. The Persuaders - Thin Line between Love & Hate.Thanks so much, another great day on the right side of the grave, happy and delight, cheers, and chaps. I'm educated and seek the same. I smile most of the day and am seeking the same.
Thanks for the time we had, thanks for the laughs, thanks for the TV show, a good run, back in time, to the good old days, back in the sixty.Snakes in grass, spiders and worms, twists and turns, muddy views, freaks in the knights, sons of bitches, hoes, streets to walk, good times toads.The Persuaders - Thin Line between Love & Hate.Thanks so much, another great day on the right side of the grave, happy and delight, cheers, and chaps. I'm educated and seek the same. I smile most of the day and am seeking the same.
ENGLISH words, 🐕🌛😴😇💕💖❤for the wise.😘😘😘😘 Lisa Broccolo :White People. Break Downs, Fairy Tales, Stars To Shine.Lions 2. Back In Time, Blasts, Horns, Hearts, Angels In Clouds, Walking On Sunshine, Jacks And Marbles, Lost Alone The Way. The Persuaders - Thin Line between Love & Hate.Thanks so much, another great day on the right side of the grave, happy and delight, cheers, and chaps. I'm educated and seek the same. I smile most of the day and am seeking the same.
John or Jack, Johnson, another choice made, skated for years, ice skating is the best, had roller skates also, no roller blazes, once in time. Have tale to share about that, strangers to friends, hard to stay. Stats, location, what age, retired, son to shine, rights to reasons. Seasons to share, holiday specials, men and mice, cartoon hits, Tom and Jerry. Remember the time...ENGLISH words: In The Name Of Love, Lucky Breaks, Dances In The Streets.
The Persuaders - Thin Line between Love & Hate.Thanks so much, another great day on the right side of the grave, happy and delight, cheers, and chaps. I'm educated and seek the same. I smile most of the day and am seeking the same.Frameworks which are often outdated. In this sense, it is only through insisting that we are wrong that we can that we can become more right and begin to reimagine more accurate frameworks to exist and be right in.
✈IN TOWN. 🌹Are you lonely and can host .Daily Events: Lessons, Love, Luck, Tests Over Times: Paths Crossed: Trades.Are you lonely and can host let’s chill and have fun, tall and intelligent handsome gentleman to pleasure you, love bj’s, looking for ltr…Good luck with that, history of dogs, dicks and 5150 calls. ENGLISH words: In The Name Of Love, Lucky Breaks, Dances In The Streets.
Faces in shadows, faces in lies, age and height, could be wrong, hits and misses, songs in the winds, how dry I am. Joe to blow, dicks and dawgs, Joseph Mcneil in the house, freaks, fools, frogs, plenty of fish in the seas. Silent knights, sons to shine, black, read and yellow, excuses and assholes things we have in common.(Hemet) Cows and shit, smells in the air, an hour from the real world. Angels, fairies, and pixies are the girls that I know, every day earth angels, for the smiles, for the joys and the laughter of the friends on the side line.ENGLISH words: In The Name Of Love, Lucky Breaks, Dances In The Streets.
Faces in shadows, faces in lies, age and height, could be wrong, hits and misses, songs in the winds, how dry I am. Joe to blow, dicks and dawgs, Joseph Mcneil in the house, freaks, fools, frogs, plenty of fish in the seas. Silent knights, sons to shine, black, read and yellow, excuses and assholes things we have in common.(Hemet) Cows and shit, smells in the air, an hour from the real world. Angels, fairies, and pixies are the girls that I know, every day earth angels, for the smiles, for the joys and the laughter of the friends on the side line.ENGLISH words: In The Name Of Love, Lucky Breaks, Dances In The Streets.
The Persuaders - Thin Line between Love & Hate.Thanks so much, another great day on the right side of the grave, happy and delight, cheers, and chaps. I'm educated and seek the same. I smile most of the day and am seeking the same.

Adriana Agresti, Frank Agresti,Juliana Santiago. Pages to turn, history to note, games with dogs, games with snakes, life and love, horns of a goat, love and hate, to change, by the minute. Love and luck, love and hate, sheep and goats, hats and horns of love, ways to view the world, tricks and trades, dimes calls to make. The Very Best Of Heart. Snakes In Grass, Dicks Out Of Box.ENGLISH words: In The Name Of Love, Lucky Breaks, Dances In The Streets.
A wise man hears one word and understands two..Chicago..Social Media Dogwood: Birth Place. A Dance in the Woods.Love friends forever. 😍😍❤❤🙏🏼🙏🏼 Congrats. You? Me? Us?ENGLISH words: In The Name Of Love, Lucky Breaks, Dances In The Streets.
Witches, Fairies, Angels. Choices, Changes, Chances, Views, Voices, Values, Dimes To Drop, Faces In The Herds, Family Affairs, Freaks And Fools, Sons To Shine, Wishes On Stars. A wise man hears one word and understands two..Love friends forever.Chicago..Social Media Dogwood.Just Jesus Christ,dead the rest of the days of the year. Notes of sinners, stories of saints, pages to turn, books to review. Fairy Tales, Bible Stories, Mother Goose, Treats, Trades, Tricks, Games To Movies. Light and darkness, sunny and bright, lovers and haters, dazes in court, coins to flip, games on words, tales of tricks, bumps in the road. ENGLISH words: In The Name Of Love, Lucky Breaks, Dances In The Streets.
😩💔..UB40 - Love Songs..RADIO DISNEY's Tweet was featured in the news.ENGLISH words: In The Name Of Love, Lucky Breaks, Dances In The Streets.. THIS IS AWFUL😡👿😠😩💔..UB40 - Love Songs..RADIO DISNEY's Tweet was featured in the news... Life Is A Beach. Black and white, hits and misses, glory holes open wide.
The Persuaders - Thin Line between Love & Hate.Thanks so much, another great day on the right side of the grave, happy and delight, cheers, and chaps. I'm educated and seek the same. I smile most of the day and am seeking the same.
Good times, hits and misses, frogs, spiders, and snakes in the grass. Rednecks, . Life Is A Beach. Black and white, hits and misses, glory holes open wide. Good times, hits and misses, frogs, spiders, and snakes in the grass. Witches, Fairies, Angels. Choices, Changes, Chances, Views, Voices, Values, Dimes To Drop, Faces In The Herds, Family Affairs, Freaks And Fools, Sons To Shine, Wishes On Stars. ENGLISH words: In The Name Of Love, Lucky Breaks, Dances In The Streets.
😮🌊🌊🌈.Angels Calls, Illuminati Exposed (This is the resistance): History Across The Lines, Rats Racers, Rainbow Readers: Birds. Girls In Red Hoods, Good Tales: Problems, Call Me, Out Of Free Fucks, No Free Rides, Dicks, Dawgs, Donkey Dates. Coins To Pay.Witches, Fairies, Angels. Choices, Changes, Chances, Views, Voices, Values, Dimes To Drop, Faces In The Herds, Family Affairs, Freaks And Fools, Sons To Shine, Wishes On Stars.
ENGLISH words: In The Name Of Love, Lucky Breaks, Dances In The Streets.
ENGLISH words: In The Name Of Love, Lucky Breaks, Dances In The Streets.
😩💔..UB40 - Love Songs..RADIO DISNEY's Tweet was featured in the news.. THIS IS AWFUL😡👿😠😩💔..UB40 - Love Songs..RADIO DISNEY's Tweet was featured in the news... Life Is A Beach. Black and white, hits and misses, glory holes open wide. Good times, hits and misses, frogs, spiders, and snakes in the grass. Rednecks. ENGLISH words: In The Name Of Love, Lucky Breaks, Dances In The Streets.
Tricks traders, dicks, dawgs, bitches in heat, monkeys in pack, monkeys to dodge.' Dances On The Sands Of Time, Pages To Write, Veterans To Date. ^^ Saturday Can I Have Another ^^Turning pages, moving on, horse and pony shows, classes of love and hate, back on the beach, back with the fires burning, hopes burning bright, on the sands of time. Paths chosen tell story of dreams, wishes and desires, that happen to be prayers also, hope floats searching.ENGLISH words: In The Name Of Love, Lucky Breaks, Dances In The Streets.
VIDEO: A Messianic Jew and Muslim Arab Discuss Israel Rt Call Mercedes Ashley on Verified Call: Red Caps, Pick Up Pieces, Carry On. Glory dazes done,.LIFE QUOTES: Veterans taken For A Ride. Bright.Angel to me, the head angel in the sky, she watches over me, with goodness and mercy, the other angels for me. I travel in the land of threes, times three, in the world of nines. Numbers to last to the top of the sky, there are not limits to the dreams, and wishes, on stars, that the young at heart has.ENGLISH words: In The Name Of Love, Lucky Breaks, Dances In The Streets.
Thieves, liars, and truths and honesty comes in shades of white lies, red lies, ugly lies, and half truths, acceptable for the frogs, cattle, and donkeys in the herds in the hills in Riverside, the dead ones are there now and always. They did a bad job of learning life lessons that matter, more for the money, more for the self-serving, more for the cattle, steers, queers, male fag hags, and Rotten Rocky Rachel Jarrot, with or with out the $6000 hair cap from the hills in Beverly, first two bought by last girl friend, crazy black magic woman, that was delivered for the devils in this family.
Watch out for them, they steal from themselves and cash in on Allstate insurance claims. Here is the play that is in place now, and has been since Papa Paul Jarrot, started the practice. Have the house, have the RV crashed, repairs not need, just a hammer to put pieces of the RV back on, he blames the dead for the bumps in the road, and Charley and Paul Jarrot, come back to play with Steve in his sleep, when he is not calling the hogs, and rolling over to stuff his face again, fat is the nature of the beast in this tribe, they are wide ass, white happy and gay people, with a dick in their months, and six for Steven Jay Jarrot is the record now. 325 dicks sucked or fucked in a month, and 224 pussy in his face in his month, and the role model for the rest of the pack members. Sheri and Rachel have been tag teaming dicks, pussies, sex, drugs, and goods stolen from the women that date Steve. Family practice like other families have doctors, lawyers, and saints with the sinners, not this tribe. Wolves.

s dates, back in time. Sisters of color, lost and alone, friends for the cash, shit and stuff, traded for a dog kicked. Does not work that way. Lessons to learn daily events. To give, to get more, love, lights, luck, coins to flip.
Juliana Santiago, back in time, one dumb dog, third party views, rats to races. Dicks, dawgs, stole and trash the personal property of a disable, black veterans, for fun and games, back in the day, before, Adriana Agresti, Frank Agresti,Juliana Santiago. Queen of the night, stars to shine bright, back in time, atomenents to be done.
Pages to turn, hits and misses, joys and pains, bumps in the road. Shit and stuff, to toss out, back in the day, have not had a word to say about that. Rites to passes, freaks, frogs, snakes in the grass, another view online to share. Tricks on veterans is the top of their games, to play,better than the dogs in the houses. Tales of the dirty deeds done.
Monkeys in packs, to dodge.Dicks, Dogs, Dates,Rednecks And Birds. Crooks, Cheaters, Liars:Frank Agresti , Adriana Agresti, Alex Agresti,Juliana Santiago. Tricks traders, dicks, dawgs, bitches in heat, monkeys in pack, monkeys to dodge. Pages to books to recap, recall, and review.
Life Is A Beach. Black and white, hits and misses, glory holes open wide. Good times, hits and misses, frogs, spiders, and snakes in the grass. Witches, Fairies, Angels. Choices, Changes, Chances, Views, Voices, Values, Dimes To Drop, Faces In The Herds, Family Affairs, Freaks And Fools, Sons To Shine, Wishes On Stars. ENGLISH words: In The Name Of Love, Lucky Breaks, Dances In The Streets.
Dick Jarrot, toads and frogs, new York by the generations, three ways to be a fool. FaceTime .? 💙😍 STANDARD SET:Happy birthday cousins 🎂🎈🎉My baby boys 💚❤💜💙. You Beautiful 😍 , Gorgeous 😘 , Sexy 😝 , and Pretty 💯 .FaceTime?ENGLISH words, for the wise. Stupid can not be fixed. cured or traded. Adriana Agresti, Frank Agresti,Juliana Santiago.
Just thankful for the lessons learned, with out the trips to the hospital to replace the missing part, thankful for another day on the right side of the grave. Graves to you and graves to me, death done on the wild side for the sex, drugs, and turns to sit on the faces of fools and frogs, hell hounds to date, whales on land, at the schools of hard knocks, UCLA butches, bitches and whales, for the BBWs moments on the fence of the tricks and trades.Happy for another day in the present, hopes for a better tomorrow.
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