Penny and Chuck Moor, lovers and friends for a minute, with Rachel and Steven Jarrot,760 851 2267- lovers and haters, hats and horns, sinners and saints, tales of love and devotion. Coins to flip, cards on the table, tricked over time and space. Hats and horns, sheep and goats, love is the horns of a goat, lovers and haters, hats to wear. Tales of tricks, crooks and robbers, thieves on the books, history recorded, pages to turn, life goes on. Moving forward, turning a corner, climbing a mountain that is new, lovers and haters. Life to change, pages to turn, moving on, castles and causes, veterans, and houses, still a dream in motion.
Steven Jay Jarrot : Best Buys Crook, July 15, 2015, computers stolen by snake in grass. PREYS ON MENTAL Ventrans, EASY TO TRICK: Owner/Consultant; lovemygems @ yahoo. com: ANYWAY TRANSPORTATION. TRIPS TO HELL, WITH HELL HOUNDS. TIME ON CROSS WITH CROOKS AND ROBBERS. Nice girl, Rach Jay, Rachel Gaylin Jarrot, Rach Jarrot, party girl, movies to make, cum sucker to date, good time girl in season. Got to go, have a great day. Lot of love, hate and love, on a goat, the horns. Silly pepper piper tale, have fun today. The fairies will play. Notes online 754 times. Nice, thanks.Jokes on land, jokers to poker players to ride, faces of snakes to devils : 7608512267, Steven Jarrot. Toads birth under stars, hooked and pimp out to party and play, found where they were going to stay. Found a barn, to let the goat out. Bitch had a bastard, Jesus Christ was born in a barn. Cow two born that night, a rat in a den of snakes, sinners and saint. Joy to the world.
Jumps 4 Joy
Hearts hurts for losses.
Heal hearts homes for all.
Homes with hearts to heal.
Horses, homes, life changes.
Hope help hearts heal daily.
Jumps for joy, jumps for life.
Junk man alive, undead and unstable.
Jarrot tarts pay and party and play.
Jarrots, super-freaks, super-sized.
Cattle, Jarrots, Steven, Adam, Dogs.
Jarrots dung sale today.
Jewish, gay, bend coppers.
Faux friends, dead now?
Snakes, reptiles, butterflies.
Flies, butterflies, wing to fly.
Happy and gay lifestyle.
Dreams of yours, dreams not mine.
Whales, cattle, butches, bitches, whores.
RV campers down by the seas.
Joy and pleasures to share, drugs also.
Happy and gay, Jarrots, Rachel, Rocky also.
Charles r. Jarrot, to include Jean Paul Jarrot.
Dead now, undead family, unstable alive.
Peace and love by the seas, gifts to share.
RV camper, for life, lifestyle of Jewish.
Wide-asses, donkeys, mules, packs of wolves.
Pack of wolves, snakes in dens, fake friends.
Monkey see, monkey do, excuses to blame others.
Blame others with fingers pointed at crazy or insane.
Crazy fine, insane better, out of your mind common.
Cry for the wolves, last dazes, rites of passage.
Gifts of joy and laughter, gifts of joys and pains of the bumps in the road, sad stories of the men in the shadows, still in the night on the dark sides of the moons....
Holiday Greetings, Happy Hearts Day, Love and kindness with your true window to greatness, fun and games, filled with joy and laughter, gifts of love and understanding for the mistakes made, while on the dark side of the moon.
Just thankful for the lessons learned, with out the trips to the hospital to replace the missing part, thankful for another day on the right side of the grave. Graves to you and graves to me, death done on the wild side for the sex, drugs, and turns to sit on the faces of fools and frogs, hell hounds to date, whales on land, at the schools of hard knocks, UCLA butches, bitches and whales, for the BBWs moments on the fence of the tricks and trades.Happy for another day in the present, hopes for a better tomorrow.

Turning pages, writing books, joys and pains, lessons learned, classes on love and hate, cases of snakes, and frogs, lessons in the dark, needed to be done.Captain Hook, Peter Pan, Caption Gilbert, in the yachts, on the ships ready to sail, seven seas, here we cum. Let It Go Create Positive Lessons, Classes Of Bitches, , devil mad dogs, tricks with guns, rats to races. Witty,Wise , and Healthy: Anyone can make you smile, many people can make you cry, but it takes someone really special to make you smile...
Holding Out For A Hero: Pink Floyd - The Wall: The Shadows, In The Dark, Reapers Of Good And Evil. Kristi Jarrot : Fairy Tales:Snakes and Vipers, Prince Frogs Tips -Another one bites the dust, ways to go, back to square one, angels in the sky. Thanks for the time we had, thanks for the laughs, thanks for the TV show, a good run, back in time, to the good old days, back in the sixty.Snakes in grass, spiders and worms, twists and turns, muddy views, freaks in the knights, sons of bitches, hoes, streets to walk, good times toads.
Frogs, cows and buffalo are the nature of the tribe of animals that we can all relate to, and if not have a few more things to share about the state. Frogs are a dime a dozen and you can get more on Sundays, and it is part of our world as well, just look at the military. Yes, the military has a branch of service named after frogs also.💎💎👑🌹DRESSED🌹UNDRESSED🌹👑💎💎So true .I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you. All Day.❤🎶🎼🎤👀GOODNIGHT MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS. THX! Veterans Housing Matters: Homeless Blues: I'm educated and seek the same. I smile most of the day and am seeking the same.
Everything but the kitchen sink – Orange County area

Peace for Fools: Snake Dens: Cum Suckers.Ads on craigslist done while girlfriends were sleep, while girlfriends worked cheater searches for black women, that he can steal from like the displace veteran, that he wanted to die for him in fire in RV August 17, 2012.
Love and devotion given with car stolen May 9, 2013 at apartment of lovers for cash returns stolen and spent on scooters deals for fun and games, Melissa Silva-has nightmares now about the devils with the man that was best to be had for a fake friend, projects and points at the mental issues of the veterans, displaced, lost, confused, and searching for friends, that are not Steven Jarrot, the oral expert of late night craigslist, preys on women of color.
Classes above the views shared about stories created about family members of the displaced veteran, lies about facts that he never had, truth and honesty to Steven Jay Jarrot, is licking and sucking people with sex organs, male or female does not matter, cum is cum and tasteful pleasures to him, and kids Charley and Rachel Jarrot, poker players, cows to butch, buff, and god knows what floats his boat today.Devil's Angels.Love and devotion given with car stolen May 9, 2013 at apartment of lovers for cash returns stolen and spent on scooters deals for fun and games.
Happy Birthday, Steven Jay Jarrot, freak that is a cheater for life, ask Carol Jarrot, different name now, how much joy and pleasure she had as a wife to dick lover, and $22,000 party with Steve out in his birthday suit, looking for the police? Please the shame and the disgrace, something to laugh about today or then? Role model here for the best? 7608512267 views change with the girls that sit on his face, for drugs not the picture of a tall, dark, and good looking prince, maybe in his own mind, and a gift to the ladies.
Sheri, Sima, Rachel, Rick Benson, Rachel Cattlecaller, Steve dressed as Eve again, wants to play and party with Adam again, has to look like a bitch to get the meat in mouth, or meat in backside of the male fag hag is what he is now-Steve Jarrot: family and friends of the tales of wit and charms from the likes of a cocksucker for life, lives to suck another dick today, eats pussy with blindfold with Rachel and Sheri Jarrot, songs to sing and dance to, fun and games in the family, for the tasteful pleasures of the fools, frogs, bison, cattle callers, sinners and saints, with in Army here.
Happy and gay, lives in RV for last ten years, dogs outside is the way to go with this beast of a man. Truths and honesty with twists and turns around the deadheads, meth heads, drug dealer, use cars for sales kind of lover that cheats every time you fall asleep, every time you go to work, and tells lies that are clear as mud on the glasses on his face, role model and example for what?tricks, trades, pussy, dicks to suck or up his backside, always wide open for 6 dicks at once record to break. Love this guy?
Love the acorns, date a whale on land, good times to party and play life to death, life partner searches for prey to pay for the last rites, for RV campers, good views of the oceans parked at the beach.
Rachel, Randy, Rocky, Butches, bitches, fake friends, fake hair, fake life of a rock star, white, whales, at UCLA? Party and play pals, with daddy, Steven Jarrot, 7603601613, more freaks out at night?
Tips now ▼ 2014 (8)► November (2)► October (2)▼ September (2)Lyon Sacks: Jewish Style..Lyon Sacks: Fire and Ice: Hell Rings► August (2)Holding Out For A Hero: Pink Floyd - The Wall: The Shadows, In The Dark, Reapers Of Good And Evil. Kristi Jarrot : Fairy Tales:Snakes and Vipers, Prince Frogs Tips -Another one bites the dust, ways to go, back to square one, angels in the sky.
Thanks for the time we had, thanks for the laughs, thanks for the TV show, a good run, back in time, to the good old days, back in the sixty.Snakes in grass, spiders and worms, twists and turns, muddy views, freaks in the knights, sons of bitches, hoes, streets to walk, good times toads.
Adriana Agresti, Frank Agresti,Juliana Santiago. Pages to turn, history to note, games with dogs, games with snakes, life and love, horns of a goat, love and hate, to change, by the minute. Love and luck, love and hate, sheep and goats, hats and horns of love, ways to view the world, tricks and trades, dimes calls to make. The Very Best Of Heart. Snakes In Grass, Dicks Out Of Box.ENGLISH words: In The Name Of Love, Lucky Breaks, Dances In The Streets.
A wise man hears one word and understands two..Chicago..Social Media Dogwood: Birth Place. A Dance in the Woods.Love friends forever. 😍😍❤❤🙏🏼🙏🏼 Congrats. You? Me? Us?ENGLISH words: In The Name Of Love, Lucky Breaks, Dances In The Streets.
Witches, Fairies, Angels. Choices, Changes, Chances, Views, Voices, Values, Dimes To Drop, Faces In The Herds, Family Affairs, Freaks And Fools, Sons To Shine, Wishes On Stars. A wise man hears one word and understands two..Love friends forever.Chicago..Social Media Dogwood.Just Jesus Christ,dead the rest of the days of the year. Notes of sinners, stories of saints, pages to turn, books to review. Fairy Tales, Bible Stories, Mother Goose, Treats, Trades, Tricks, Games To Movies. Light and darkness, sunny and bright, lovers and haters, dazes in court, coins to flip, games on words, tales of tricks, bumps in the road. ENGLISH words: In The Name Of Love, Lucky Breaks, Dances In The Streets.
Good times, hits and misses, frogs, spiders, and snakes in the grass. Rednecks, . Life Is A Beach. Black and white, hits and misses, glory holes open wide. Good times, hits and misses, frogs, spiders, and snakes in the grass. Witches, Fairies, Angels. Choices, Changes, Chances, Views, Voices, Values, Dimes To Drop, Faces In The Herds, Family Affairs, Freaks And Fools, Sons To Shine, Wishes On Stars. ENGLISH words: In The Name Of Love, Lucky Breaks, Dances In The Streets.
Tricks traders, dicks, dawgs, bitches in heat, monkeys in pack, monkeys to dodge.' Dances On The Sands Of Time, Pages To Write, Veterans To Date. ^^ Saturday Can I Have Another ^^Turning pages, moving on, horse and pony shows, classes of love and hate, back on the beach, back with the fires burning, hopes burning bright, on the sands of time. Paths chosen tell story of dreams, wishes and desires, that happen to be prayers also, hope floats searching.ENGLISH words: In The Name Of Love, Lucky Breaks, Dances In The Streets.
Life Is A Beach. Black and white, hits and misses, glory holes open wide. Good times, hits and misses, frogs, spiders, and snakes in the grass. Witches, Fairies, Angels. Choices, Changes, Chances, Views, Voices, Values, Dimes To Drop, Faces In The Herds, Family Affairs, Freaks And Fools, Sons To Shine, Wishes On Stars. ENGLISH words: In The Name Of Love, Lucky Breaks, Dances In The Streets.
Just thankful for the lessons learned, with out the trips to the hospital to replace the missing part, thankful for another day on the right side of the grave. Graves to you and graves to me, death done on the wild side for the sex, drugs, and turns to sit on the faces of fools and frogs, hell hounds to date, whales on land, at the schools of hard knocks, UCLA butches, bitches and whales, for the BBWs moments on the fence of the tricks and trades.Happy for another day in the present, hopes for a better tomorrow.
Sheri, Sima, Rachel, Rick Benson, Rachel Cattlecaller, Steve dressed as Eve again, wants to play and party with Adam again, has to look like a bitch to get the meat in mouth, or meat in backside of the male fag hag is what he is now-Steve Jarrot: family and friends of the tales of wit and charms from the likes of a cocksucker for life, lives to suck another dick today, eats pussy with blindfold with Rachel and Sheri Jarrot, songs to sing and dance to, fun and games in the family, for the tasteful pleasures of the fools, frogs, bison, cattle callers, sinners and saints, with in Army here.
Happy and gay, lives in RV for last ten years, dogs outside is the way to go with this beast of a man. Truths and honesty with twists and turns around the deadheads, meth heads, drug dealer, use cars for sales kind of lover that cheats every time you fall asleep, every time you go to work, and tells lies that are clear as mud on the glasses on his face, role model and example for what?tricks, trades, pussy, dicks to suck or up his backside, always wide open for 6 dicks at once record to break. Love this guy?
Love the acorns, date a whale on land, good times to party and play life to death, life partner searches for prey to pay for the last rites, for RV campers, good views of the oceans parked at the beach.
Rachel, Randy, Rocky, Butches, bitches, fake friends, fake hair, fake life of a rock star, white, whales, at UCLA? Party and play pals, with daddy, Steven Jarrot, 7603601613, more freaks out at night?
Tips now ▼ 2014 (8)► November (2)► October (2)▼ September (2)Lyon Sacks: Jewish Style..Lyon Sacks: Fire and Ice: Hell Rings► August (2)Holding Out For A Hero: Pink Floyd - The Wall: The Shadows, In The Dark, Reapers Of Good And Evil. Kristi Jarrot : Fairy Tales:Snakes and Vipers, Prince Frogs Tips -Another one bites the dust, ways to go, back to square one, angels in the sky.
Thanks for the time we had, thanks for the laughs, thanks for the TV show, a good run, back in time, to the good old days, back in the sixty.Snakes in grass, spiders and worms, twists and turns, muddy views, freaks in the knights, sons of bitches, hoes, streets to walk, good times toads.
ENGLISH words, 🐕🌛😴😇💕💖❤for the wise.😘😘😘😘 Lisa Broccolo :White People. Break Downs, Fairy Tales, Stars To Shine.Lions 2. Back In Time, Blasts, Horns, Hearts, Angels In Clouds, Walking On Sunshine, Jacks And Marbles, Lost Alone The Way.
John or Jack, Johnson, another choice made, skated for years, ice skating is the best, had roller skates also, no roller blazes, once in time. Have tale to share about that, strangers to friends, hard to stay. Stats, location, what age, retired, son to shine, rights to reasons. Seasons to share, holiday specials, men and mice, cartoon hits, Tom and Jerry. Remember the time...ENGLISH words: In The Name Of Love, Lucky Breaks, Dances In The Streets.
✈IN TOWN. 🌹Are you lonely and can host .Daily Events: Lessons, Love, Luck, Tests Over Times: Paths Crossed: Trades.Are you lonely and can host let’s chill and have fun, tall and intelligent handsome gentleman to pleasure you, love bj’s, looking for ltr…Good luck with that, history of dogs, dicks and 5150 calls. ENGLISH words: In The Name Of Love, Lucky Breaks, Dances In The Streets.
Faces in shadows, faces in lies, age and height, could be wrong, hits and misses, songs in the winds, how dry I am. Joe to blow, dicks and dawgs, Joseph Mcneil in the house, freaks, fools, frogs, plenty of fish in the seas. Silent knights, sons to shine, black, read and yellow, excuses and assholes things we have in common.(Hemet) Cows and shit, smells in the air, an hour from the real world. Angels, fairies, and pixies are the girls that I know, every day earth angels, for the smiles, for the joys and the laughter of the friends on the side line.ENGLISH words: In The Name Of Love, Lucky Breaks, Dances In The Streets.
Faces in shadows, faces in lies, age and height, could be wrong, hits and misses, songs in the winds, how dry I am. Joe to blow, dicks and dawgs, Joseph Mcneil in the house, freaks, fools, frogs, plenty of fish in the seas. Silent knights, sons to shine, black, read and yellow, excuses and assholes things we have in common.(Hemet) Cows and shit, smells in the air, an hour from the real world. Angels, fairies, and pixies are the girls that I know, every day earth angels, for the smiles, for the joys and the laughter of the friends on the side line.ENGLISH words: In The Name Of Love, Lucky Breaks, Dances In The Streets.

Adriana Agresti, Frank Agresti,Juliana Santiago. Pages to turn, history to note, games with dogs, games with snakes, life and love, horns of a goat, love and hate, to change, by the minute. Love and luck, love and hate, sheep and goats, hats and horns of love, ways to view the world, tricks and trades, dimes calls to make. The Very Best Of Heart. Snakes In Grass, Dicks Out Of Box.ENGLISH words: In The Name Of Love, Lucky Breaks, Dances In The Streets.
A wise man hears one word and understands two..Chicago..Social Media Dogwood: Birth Place. A Dance in the Woods.Love friends forever. 😍😍❤❤🙏🏼🙏🏼 Congrats. You? Me? Us?ENGLISH words: In The Name Of Love, Lucky Breaks, Dances In The Streets.
Witches, Fairies, Angels. Choices, Changes, Chances, Views, Voices, Values, Dimes To Drop, Faces In The Herds, Family Affairs, Freaks And Fools, Sons To Shine, Wishes On Stars. A wise man hears one word and understands two..Love friends forever.Chicago..Social Media Dogwood.Just Jesus Christ,dead the rest of the days of the year. Notes of sinners, stories of saints, pages to turn, books to review. Fairy Tales, Bible Stories, Mother Goose, Treats, Trades, Tricks, Games To Movies. Light and darkness, sunny and bright, lovers and haters, dazes in court, coins to flip, games on words, tales of tricks, bumps in the road. ENGLISH words: In The Name Of Love, Lucky Breaks, Dances In The Streets.
😩💔..UB40 - Love Songs..RADIO DISNEY's Tweet was featured in the news.ENGLISH words: In The Name Of Love, Lucky Breaks, Dances In The Streets.. THIS IS AWFUL😡👿😠😩💔..UB40 - Love Songs..RADIO DISNEY's Tweet was featured in the news... Life Is A Beach. Black and white, hits and misses, glory holes open wide.
Good times, hits and misses, frogs, spiders, and snakes in the grass. Rednecks, . Life Is A Beach. Black and white, hits and misses, glory holes open wide. Good times, hits and misses, frogs, spiders, and snakes in the grass. Witches, Fairies, Angels. Choices, Changes, Chances, Views, Voices, Values, Dimes To Drop, Faces In The Herds, Family Affairs, Freaks And Fools, Sons To Shine, Wishes On Stars. ENGLISH words: In The Name Of Love, Lucky Breaks, Dances In The Streets.
😮🌊🌊🌈.Angels Calls, Illuminati Exposed (This is the resistance): History Across The Lines, Rats Racers, Rainbow Readers: Birds. Girls In Red Hoods, Good Tales: Problems, Call Me, Out Of Free Fucks, No Free Rides, Dicks, Dawgs, Donkey Dates. Coins To Pay.Witches, Fairies, Angels. Choices, Changes, Chances, Views, Voices, Values, Dimes To Drop, Faces In The Herds, Family Affairs, Freaks And Fools, Sons To Shine, Wishes On Stars. ENGLISH words: In The Name Of Love, Lucky Breaks, Dances In The Streets.
😩💔..UB40 - Love Songs..RADIO DISNEY's Tweet was featured in the news..
THIS IS AWFUL😡👿😠😩💔Peace for Fools: Snake Dens: Cum Suckers.Ads on craigslist done while girlfriends were sleep, while girlfriends worked cheater searches for black women, that he can steal from like the displace veteran, that he wanted to die for him in fire in RV August 17, 2012.
Love and devotion given with car stolen May 9, 2013 at apartment of lovers for cash returns stolen and spent on scooters deals for fun and games, Melissa Silva-has nightmares now about the devils with the man that was best to be had for a fake friend, projects and points at the mental issues of the veterans, displaced, lost, confused, and searching for friends, that are not Steven Jarrot, the oral expert of late night craigslist, preys on women of color.
Classes above the views shared about stories created about family members of the displaced veteran, lies about facts that he never had, truth and honesty to Steven Jay Jarrot, is licking and sucking people with sex organs, male or female does not matter, cum is cum and tasteful pleasures to him, and kids Charley and Rachel Jarrot, poker players, cows to butch, buff, and god knows what floats his boat today.Devil's Angels.Love and devotion given with car stolen May 9, 2013 at apartment of lovers for cash returns stolen and spent on scooters deals for fun and games.
..UB40 - Love Songs..RADIO DISNEY's Tweet was featured in the news... Life Is A Beach. Black and white, hits and misses, glory holes open wide. Good times, hits and misses, frogs, spiders, and snakes in the grass. Rednecks. ENGLISH words: In The Name Of Love, Lucky Breaks, Dances In The Streets.
THIS IS AWFUL😡👿😠😩💔Peace for Fools: Snake Dens: Cum Suckers.Ads on craigslist done while girlfriends were sleep, while girlfriends worked cheater searches for black women, that he can steal from like the displace veteran, that he wanted to die for him in fire in RV August 17, 2012.
Love and devotion given with car stolen May 9, 2013 at apartment of lovers for cash returns stolen and spent on scooters deals for fun and games, Melissa Silva-has nightmares now about the devils with the man that was best to be had for a fake friend, projects and points at the mental issues of the veterans, displaced, lost, confused, and searching for friends, that are not Steven Jarrot, the oral expert of late night craigslist, preys on women of color.
..UB40 - Love Songs..RADIO DISNEY's Tweet was featured in the news... Life Is A Beach. Black and white, hits and misses, glory holes open wide. Good times, hits and misses, frogs, spiders, and snakes in the grass. Rednecks. ENGLISH words: In The Name Of Love, Lucky Breaks, Dances In The Streets.
Tricks traders, dicks, dawgs, bitches in heat, monkeys in pack, monkeys to dodge.' Dances On The Sands Of Time, Pages To Write, Veterans To Date. ^^ Saturday Can I Have Another ^^Turning pages, moving on, horse and pony shows, classes of love and hate, back on the beach, back with the fires burning, hopes burning bright, on the sands of time. Paths chosen tell story of dreams, wishes and desires, that happen to be prayers also, hope floats searching.ENGLISH words: In The Name Of Love, Lucky Breaks, Dances In The Streets.
VIDEO: A Messianic Jew and Muslim Arab Discuss Israel Rt Call Mercedes Ashley on Verified Call: Red Caps, Pick Up Pieces, Carry On. Glory dazes done,.LIFE QUOTES: Veterans taken For A Ride. Bright.Angel to me, the head angel in the sky, she watches over me, with goodness and mercy, the other angels for me. I travel in the land of threes, times three, in the world of nines. Numbers to last to the top of the sky, there are not limits to the dreams, and wishes, on stars, that the young at heart has.ENGLISH words: In The Name Of Love, Lucky Breaks, Dances In The Streets.
Life Is A Beach. Black and white, hits and misses, glory holes open wide. Good times, hits and misses, frogs, spiders, and snakes in the grass. Witches, Fairies, Angels. Choices, Changes, Chances, Views, Voices, Values, Dimes To Drop, Faces In The Herds, Family Affairs, Freaks And Fools, Sons To Shine, Wishes On Stars. ENGLISH words: In The Name Of Love, Lucky Breaks, Dances In The Streets.
Just thankful for the lessons learned, with out the trips to the hospital to replace the missing part, thankful for another day on the right side of the grave. Graves to you and graves to me, death done on the wild side for the sex, drugs, and turns to sit on the faces of fools and frogs, hell hounds to date, whales on land, at the schools of hard knocks, UCLA butches, bitches and whales, for the BBWs moments on the fence of the tricks and trades.Happy for another day in the present, hopes for a better tomorrow.
Burn the Dogs Happy Holidays, seasons greetings, not your story, love the dog show, not sure how high it went, dicks on the grounds, John Jarrot, or another Dick Jarrot in the air, swinging in the wind. Freaks, fools or frogs here with dicks and dogs, the wits and charms to burn the houses down. Vans in smoke with a treat to share, about mistake with the load of shit in the Van. Questions for the dicks, and the dogs in the aire, what about Dick Benson, dicks to trade for the good times. Dates with sacks of lyon shithead, dogs and dicks to toss in the wind, gifts to share often good ... more »